Physical Therapy
At Therapy Connections, physical therapists aid in developing and enhancing a child's gross motor skills to increase independence with movement in settings from school, home, and within the community.
Skills that may be addressed consist of balance, coordination, strength and flexibility. A variety of play activities are used to maximize a child's independence in their environment and their ability to interact with same-aged peers during movement activities.
Therapy Connections will provide a wide range of therapeutic services using evidence based techniques, and an interdisciplinary approach, allowing children with disabilities to achieve their highest potential.
Services are provided to children of all ages and various diagnoses that include Cerebral Palsy, Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism, Dyspraxia, Down syndrome, Spina Bifida, and Language and Developmental Delays

Areas Addressed
Physical Therapy is often recommended to address the following:
- Generalized muscle weakness
- Orthotic management
- Biking skills/Amtryke
- Toe walking
- Gait training
- Delayed gross motor skills
- Poor posture
- Reduced endurance
- Difficulty with gross motor activities
- Recovering from injury
- Coordination

Meet our Physical Therapists

Physical Therapy Services
These are more of our common therapies, but we offer many more - please ask if you are looking for something specific.
We offer a wide range of evaluations. If you need a specific one, please let us know. Below are our most commonly requested:

- BOT-2
- PDMS-2
Pediatric Orthopedics
Strength Training
Heavy Work
Biking Therapy

Commonly Requested Services
Click to Learn About Specialized Services
Our therapists will evaluate if your child would benefit from the assistance of orthotic devices. If so, we will assist you in working with your child's doctor to obtain the necessary insurance approval.
Durable Medical Equipment
Our Physical Therapists help children with a wide array of DMEs - including walkers, gait trainers, and more. If you need help getting, using, adjusting, or practicing with a piece of equipment, please let us know.
Kinesio Tape
Kinesio Tape
This is a rehabilitative taping technique designed to provide support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body's range of motion. It also helps prolong the benefits of manual therapy.
Our therapists can choose from a number of balance-building treatments including: Bosu Boards, React Boards, and Airex. .
Biking Therapy
Biking Therapy
Biking promotes balance, strength, endurance, reciprocal movement, hand and eye coordination, safety awareness, and body awareness.
Treadmill Training
Treadmill Training
Treadmill Training is a body awareness therapeutic treatment to help children improve strength, balance, endurance, and overall coordination.